一英文文學欣賞 (99.02.19)

英 文 文 學 欣 賞            

                    The Lake Isle of Innisfree                                                                                                                                              b y William Butler Yeats (  1865-1939)

       湖中小島因尼斯菲        葉威廉慈 (  1865-1939)  
I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, 我現在要去,去到因尼斯菲,  
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made: 我那裡造一間樹枝糊泥的小木屋;  
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honeybee, 我要在那裡種九排豆子,蜂房一具,  
And live alone in the bee-loud glade. 在那密蜂嗡嗡聲中的寧靜獨住.  
And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow. 我會在那裡得到一些寧靜,寧靜慢慢的來,  
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; 從清晨的面紗到蟋蟀鳴的地方;  
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow, 午夜是點點微光閃爍,中是一片紫色光彩,  
And evening full the linnet's wings. 晚間則到處有紅雀飛翔.  
I will arise and go now. for always night and day, 我現在要去了, 因為不分晝夜,  
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; 我總是聽到那湖水汨拍岸的聲音;  
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray, 我在大道上或灰色小路上站著的時節,  
I hear it in the deep heart's core. 也聽到那聲音,在我深深的內心.  



    這首詩是 William Butler Yeats 懷念故鄉(愛爾蘭)所寫. 他雖住在車水馬龍的倫敦,但思鄉之情卻常浮現眼前. 故鄉的樹枝糊泥(clay and wattles made)的小木屋( small cabin), 在那裡種植九排豆子(nine bean-rows)與蓋蜂房(hive)為伴.

         故鄉一片寧靜(peace): 清晨的薄霧(the veils of the morning); 蟋蟀和鳴(the cricket sings);午夜的蟾光(glimmer);午後的紫色光彩(purple glow);傍晚紅雀飛翔(linnet's wings);縈迴心頭.

         還有那不分晝夜(night and day)湖水拍岸(lake water lapping)的聲音,這些故鄉美景與站在市區大道(roadway)及灰色小路(the pavements gray)的複雜心情. 使他有立刻起身,不如歸去之衝動.

        他曾加入愛爾蘭政治活動. 並於1923年獲得諾貝爾文學獎.


      看完後,你有何感想嗎?                     (王榮泉)






                                                                                                        William Butler Yeats

Collections of verse by one of the greatest lyric poets of twentieth-century literature.
An Old Song Resung (MBP); Cap and Bells (MBP); Lake Isle of Innisfree (MBP); Lake Isle of Innisfree (OBEV); Song of the Old Mother (MBP); When You are Old (OBEV); Where My Books go (OBEV)